Technical Colleges

Telling my parents that I intended to go to a Northwest technical College was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. You see, my folks are quintessential academics. They believe above all in education for educations sake. They are suspicious of the sciences, and downright hostile to technical schools. Humanities is the most important thing for them because they view it as the source of all culture and knowledge.

In this respect, I couldn't be more different from my parents. I have always been extremely practical minded, something that has irritated other members of my family to no end. It isn't that I am not creative, but my creativity tends to take a less verbal form. I have always loved designing and making things, especially concrete and physical things. I know that I can get a more complete education in a science degree program at a University, but I am eager to get into the real world and work in a career field. Going to the technical college will let me do just that. I want as much hands-on experience as I can have as early as I can so that I can get my life going. I have been waiting for for years to be done with high school and I don't want to dillydally in a university.

Talk like this is tantamount to heresy in my family. My parents couldn't figure out why I would not see the virtue of spending four years studying the great works of history and literature. Although I do like reading, it is not the central passion of my life like it is for them. I felt like I could read on my own whereas I couldn't get a technical education without professional assistance. This is my rationale for technical colleges.
Of course, I could have gone off to the Northwest technical College without bothering with their approval, but I didn't want to do it that way. Although I disagree with them on many things, my parents opinions still matter to me a great deal. It was a long struggle, but finally I got to them to agree to me going to a technical school. They even helped me to pay for the Northwest technical College, an act of generosity that I hadn't expected. All in all, things turned out pretty well. I am now entering my second semester, and having more fun than I had ever imagined possible.

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