Thank You Cards

Sometimes, you cant get on the phone to say thanks for something, and many times, you feel that a card is the best way to go. Many people forget the simple art of saying thank you, and they often just assume the person knows they like the gift or are grateful for a gesture. Thank you cards arent sent as often as they should be, and I know that I am as guilty of this as anyone else. I think half of the time it is because I dont have to time to go to the store to get a card, but in the end I know that this is not an excuse.

I have friends who keep stacks of thank you cards in their home for when they need them. I dont know why I never thought of this. Perhaps it is because my mom never did this. She always took the time to write a letter, but having a pile of thank you cards sitting around for when they were needed had never crossed my mind. That is different now, as I have some and I use them quite often. I just wish I had thought of it earlier. I always just bought them when I needed them, but having them in the house makes it easier to send them, and helps me remember to send them in the first place.

Thank you cards dont have to say much. Its really a matter of thanking someone for being thoughtful, and letting him or her know you appreciate him or her. Saying thank you isnt just about gifts either. If someone helps you get a job, finds you a good babysitter, or perhaps has helped you though a hard time in your life, it is always appropriate to send thank you cards on these occasions. It is essential to let those who have helped you know that you appreciate them.

Dont forget to send thank you cards online if you dont have any at home. Dont wait until you get to the store, because you may walk right by them without even thinking twice about it. I know I do it all the time, and its not just with thank you cards. Even when I have a list I tend to walk right by things that I need and dont remember until I get home. Its very frustrating. Im thankful that I have online cards to help when all else fails.

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