The Best Jobs for Teens

In economic times like these, jobs are hard for anyone to come by. It's been shown, however, that in recessions, the jobs for teens are the first to shrink up. Jobs for teens are the first to be cut. Furthermore, jobs for teens are typical jobs in industries that are the hardest hit, such as retail.

One of the best things to do if you're looking for jobs for teens is to consider the long-term picture. If you plan on going to college, consider a tutoring job with middle-school or other high school students; it will help you stay sharp on a variety of subject matters. Likewise, babysitting jobs are among the easiest jobs for teens to get. Both of these jobs for teens usually require someone recommending you and while the pay can be good for only a little bit of work, the hours are very irregular.

If you're looking for regular paying jobs for teens, there's a couple of places to look that can pay off dividends later. For example, restaurants frequently offer jobs for teens such as dishwashers, busboys and hostesses. These jobs may not pay much right away, but restaurant experience leads to higher paying jobs, such as servers and bartenders and cooks. Restaurants are always looking for capable workers and can be done part-time through college as well. Likewise, getting a cashier job at a supermarket or retail shop is pretty unglamorous, but it's exactly this sort of customer service experience that many entry-level sales jobs look for.

If you do have a longer term career goal in mind, consider that when looking for jobs. Many jobs for teens will bring you in contact with people that can offer letters of recommendations, college credit or even job offers once you have a degree. For instance, working a couple of hours filing at a doctor's office can be a difference maker when applying for college - and may just help you get a job later on in life.

Another way to find some jobs for teens is online. Many websites now exist that only offer jobs for teens. These can be part-time, weekend or summer jobs. One great benefit for these jobs is that the companies involved are aware that they are offering jobs for teens and will manage and hire teens with experience in working with teens and their school schedules.

Getting jobs for teens is a new challenge in these economic times, but that doesn't mean there isn't opportunity out there. A little bit of effort, and planning can lead to many jobs for teens. And who knows? It might just be the first opportunity on the path to the career you've always dreamed of!

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