The Funniest Bush Jokes

Ah, George W. Bush. Has any politician ever been such a good target for satire? From his mumbling malaprops to his horrible executive decisions, his eight years in office were a fine time for comedians not so much for the rest of us. To commemorate the end of his term, Ive compiled some of my favorite Bush jokes into a handy list may you get as much enjoyment from them as I did.

But first, a list of "Bushisms." Why do we even need to tell Bush jokes if the man himself can be funny without intervention? Here are some of my favorite quotes from the Prez.

"I'm telling you there's an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That's the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best."

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

Some of the funniest Bush jokes came from the pages of The Onion, the satirical newspaper available free in many American cities. Theyve used headlines like "Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over" and "Bush Hides U.S. Report Card In Sock Drawer" to poke fun at the President and his administration over the course of the last eight years.

Of course, there are some on the Republican side of the political spectrum who believe that telling Bush jokes is in some way an insult to the office of the Presidency. However, the medium of political satire has served as a way for the common man to draw attention to the abuse of power since this nation was formed. From Thomas Nasts political cartoons to Will Ferrells dead-on impersonations, humor is one of the only ways we have of making our voices heard. And Im sure that in eight years well have just as many Obama jokes to tell.

And, to close, Ill leave you with one of my favorite Bush jokes.

So Bush and Cheney are sitting in the oval office. A military officer walks in and sits in front of the desk with a folder, looking over it before giving the daily report from Iraq.
He says to Bush: "Three Brazilian soldiers died in Iraq today".
Cheney looks up, and Bush with his head in his hand goes, "Oh my God, how many is a brazillion?"

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