The Pick of the Backup Software Download Litter

You could try it - the way a few enterprising college students did in New York recently, and give up all mobile computing devices for a week - no laptops, no netbooks, no smartphones and certainly no video games. If you don't wish to lead the life of a hermit though, you'll find it exceedingly difficult. For all the time that we spend on our personal machines, we certainly do manage to collect quite an archive of important stuff on them - websites we like, reports we type, pictures of our loved ones, financial information - we have our whole lives on our computers. The scary part is, that computers just happen to be machines, and are as liable to stop working one day as any other device in our life. They are just different in how they'll easily take our lives down with them when they do - (like your car, but unlike your toaster). The data on a broken computer may well be irreplaceable. And the answer - continuous and automatic data backup of course. The process isn't as complicated or as laborious as it once was; you don't need an IT guy to do it for you, and you certainly don't need to crack the manual most of the time. All you need, is to find the right backup software download for your needs, and you should be set for some peace of mind.

I'd say that one of the prime requirements that you need to have in mind when you make your choice of software to buy, should be completely automated functionality for ease of use. You need to look for a service that will back your data up on its own, and offer you a choice of doing it incrementally, or completely. And it wouldn't be any use if it is a dsign that won't verify the backups it makes (no, that's not a given on every package). Some of them are able to restore your computer to the most recent state recorded with no need for input from you the user, and you need to make sure that it promises to restore your lost files to exactly the same places and paths they existed in originally. Software that will rename your files or place them elsewhere should be completely unacceptable.

Let's round up three of the best options you have in a backup software download. In my book all three are winners, and the best part is, not one of them costs more than $50. Let's start out with Genie Backup Manager. I have yet to find a backup task to throw at this little helper that it isn't been able to handle. The kind of customization it is capable of, I still haven't seen anywhere else. Genie's marquee feature is its ability to back up your system in uncompressed form. And it does this in incremental stages if you need it; it also does mirror backups. If you have an online storage system you subscribe to, Genie is able to back your computer to a remote FTP location. And best of all, it does 64-bit.

The DT Utilities PC Backup software download does a full image backup, and can even back your operating system settings and preferences up. Version 11 is the latest, and it even comes with an online backup account on trial at Amazon S3. Your backup can go on a double layer DVD, a Blu-Ray disc, tape or even a thumb drive. The best feature is, that once you have your system set up with all the software exactly as you like it, you can create a mirror image of the system for backup. Whenever you should need to reinstall your system, you can easily do it just formatting your drive, and copying the mirror image back on.

And finally, comes the NovaBACKUP software download. Nova is somehow quite close in appearance to the DT Utilities package; they seem to have done an original job once you get past the appearance though. Nova's standout feature is the speed with which completes its backup chores. It offers every kind of backup option option of course, and will do your registry, your address book, your files, everything. And all of it is done at the touch of a button.

So who in my book is the winner in the backup software download business? To me, Genie is hard to beat. The kind of user options it has, no one else does, and how does one turn down a package that offers you 64-bit?

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