Voodoo Spells

I came across my first voodoo spell by accident. It was pure coincidence, really. I was working at a busy publishing office as a lowly copy editor. Each day was spent pouring over manuscripts for tiny errors in punctuation or typesetting. Each hour was much the same as any other. Until he walked in. The New Guy. The newly hired Assistant Editor wasnt just good-looking. I mean, he was attractive, in the most classic sense, dont get me wrong. But he also had a swagger about him that just made me swoon. He seemed so confident, so suave. Of course he barely even noticed me.

So I had my eyes on a boring manuscript, but my thoughts were on the New Guy. How could I get him to look my way? If he did, would he be interested? Was I his type? I tried to focus on the text in front of me, but my thoughts kept wandering from the anthropology textbook I was supposedly examining. I mean, who could focus on something as dull as Caribbean voodoo spells, when there was a handsome man blatantly ignoring me right over in the next cubicle

Suddenly, my attention snapped back to the document in front of me. Voodoo spells? Yes, indeed. The voodoo religion, it seemed, had spells for just about anything you could want: health spells, beauty spells, revenge spells, wealth spells and, naturally, love spells. The gears in my mind began shifting. Maybe it was all nonsense. But maybe voodoo spells were the answer to my prayers.

That night, I researched voodoo spells on the internet. I came up with a love spell, an easy one to do. I didnt need a lock of his hair or a personal item belonging to him (imagine me trying to obtain a lock of his hair without arousing suspicion). All I had to do was picture his face in my mind and chant a voodoo incantation.

The next morning, I watched the New Guy carefully for signs that the spell was working. I kept a constant eye on him, hoping to catch some signal, some subtle indication that he was starting to notice me. Wait, did he look my way? I was sure that he had. I caught him in the act of checking me out. Wow, maybe there was more to these voodoo spells than I had previously realized.

Knowing that I had voodoo magic working on my side put a confident spring in my step. I started walking by New Guys desk a few more times than necessary. I smiled at him, flirting. I complemented his tie. The spell was clearly working. By the end of the day, he approached my desk and asked if Id get a drink with him after work.

So if you ever doubt the effectiveness of voodoo spells, take my story to heart. Dont listen to the skeptics. Voodoo spells really do work. Or at least, if you believe they work, your mind will be so focused on your goal that you will make it happen. And in the end, that means that the spell worked after all.

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