Want to quit smoking? Check out the online quit smoking

Want to quit smoking? Check out the online quit smoking groups and succeed!

While you may be a highly disciplined person in every other area of your life, when you decide to quit smoking, you face one of the most difficult challenges to self discipline. It's easy for people who have never smoked to say What's the big deal? You just decide to quit smoking and then do it! This sort of statement can be not only irritating, but discouraging. It's not so simple, as your previous attempts to quit the habit may have demonstrated.

Now, with the additional, hefty taxes on tobacco products with more in the offing smoking has become financially unfeasible. More pressure.

It's a statistical fact that more people succeed when they have access to a support group. While there are quit smoking groups you can attend locally, they don't usually have daily meetings, you've got built-in excuses not to go (it's raining, I'm tired, low on gas to drive there, etcetera). On the other hand, online quit smoking groups are there 24/7 and the members come from every walk of life and from around the world. Due to the sheer diversity of people you'll meet in the online groups, the amount and quality of support you'll receive increases exponentially. You'll get insights on what works and what doesn't from others who are in the same boat. Some members stick around, even after they've quit, to offer encouragement. If they succeeded, so can you!

So, despite your holier-than-thou non-smoking friends and neighbor's discouraging remarks, there are some considerable difficulties in overcoming smoking. You'll find that the members of online quit smoking groups know just where you're coming from. Let's take a look at some of the common difficulties smokers have when trying to ditch the habit.

Not only are you addicted to the nicotine, but also to an array can you say 500-1000 chemical additives contained in cigarettes. If you've only had the habit for a few years, it may be marginally easier to kick the habit. Why? In the majority of smokers, the worst factors of this challenge are psychological. For example, the typical smoker has a number of mental triggers which precipitate an automatic 'time to light up' response. You leave work, get in your car and light up. Your morning coffee? Gotta have a cigarette. Calling a friend for a lengthy conversation? Light up and bring the ashtray. The list of triggers goes on and on.

If you can make it past the first three days, most of the nicotine and chemicals are flushed from your system, which gets you past the physical addiction. The gotchas come in the psychological addiction. Every member of your online quit smoking group has experienced every variant of this type. Someone has experienced your particular bugaboo and can offer you some tips and tricks on putting that one to rest.

No one is going to be chastising you for having given in and lit up. They've all been there, done that. You'll just have to get back on the train with renewed determination. The toxins in that one cigarette can be flushed right out in a day. Drink lots of water and juices. Now you're back on track.

The key to success is sticking with your online quit smoking group. Don't ever give up. You will succeed, be free, have more cash and make new friends!

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