Water bottles

It is important for everyone to drink water each day, and most people dont get enough. Some are taking the advice to heart however, and that means they are buying more water in cases. Though most tap water is okay to drink, it doesnt always taste good, so many are buying water bottles to keep in the refrigerator. This is great, and there is always great tasting water waiting when someone needs it. The big problem with this is that the bottles are piling up and not everyone recycles them.

There are newer water bottles on the market now that can cut down on the amount of bottles piling up in the landfills, and will also cut down on the number of these bottles that need to be produced. These use the water from a city water source, but have a filter built into them. These water bottles can be filled from the tap but will have the same clean, crisp taste as what one might expect when buying water from the store or from a water supplier. I havent been able to find one of these myself, but as soon as I do, I am going to buy one for each member of my family.

With public awareness about global warming increasing dramatically, many are looking for things like these water bottles to help in any little way that they can. If everyone does a little, the benefits for our planet and ourselves will be enormous. It can only be a good thing. Though Im not sure how long these water bottles are good for, or if perhaps the filter might need to be changed on a regular basis, this can save on waste in the landfills and in emissions from factories that have to keep up with the demand of the disposable bottles.

Though many say that it is not safe to reuse any type of water bottles, they can be reused as long as they are cleaned. They should be cleaned daily just like any cup or glass would be washed with hot water, soap, and scrubbing. This can keep the germs from building up. The reason some get sick from reusing water bottles is because they dont clean them. The new bottles with the filters should work in much the same manner. As long as they are cleaned on a regular basis they should be just fine to use over and over again.

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