What are the best ways to quit smoking? This isn't

What are the best ways to quit smoking? This isn't a one-size-fits-all deal. A personalized program works best!

There are tens of millions of people who truly want to quit smoking. Every smoker knows that smoking causes lung cancer, heart problems and can exacerbate a host of other health problems. Yet they continue to smoke. You may be one such person. You may have tried a number of times, using a variety of strategies, ranging from the 'cold turkey' approach to the quit smoking patches and gums. There is more quit smoking advice on the net than you can shake a stick at. If you fail, using one method or another, it's a disappointing experience, typically accompanied by a big self-inflicted guilt trip. If you want to quit smoking, you need to understand that the best ways to quit smoking fit your individual physical makeup and psychological profile.

Your doctor may have told you that the patches or gums were one of the best ways to quit smoking, with a high success rate. A friend may have endorsed the 'cold turkey' method, with a supercilious, Just mind over matter! So why didn't either of these work for you? The fact is that, people are individuals. What works for one person may not work for another.

When I quit smoking, now many years ago, I first went with the patches, prescribed by my doctor. I was prescribed a certain dosage which corresponded with the amount I was smoking. Sounded good. Gradually decrease the nicotine, easing the withdrawal factor and I'd be home free, right? Wrong.

Perhaps they've improved the product or the delivery system now, but my experience was bad news. Within a half hour of affixing the patch to my arm, I felt like someone had injected me with nicotine. I was absolutely overwhelmed with a nicotine rush that had me jumping out of my skin! That patch came off in a New York minute! Back to the drawing board. The doc insisted that the dose was correct. $50 down the drain. Decided to give the gum a shot, with approximately the same result. This was definitely not one of the better ways to quit smoking, at least not for me.

Then I tried a quit smoking hypnosis seminar, which I attended with a like-minded friend. By the end of the two hour seminar, the idea of smoking a cigarette was anathema to me. It worked! My joy at being so easily freed from my unhealthy, compulsive habit was short-lived. My friend and I went to an outdoor cafe for lunch. As soon as we finished, to my astonishment, my friend lit up! Not only that, but she pulled out another one and said, Oh, c'mon! One's not going to hurt! C'mon! Perhaps the hypnosis needed time to settle into the subconscious. I took the smoke and that was that. I was very angry with her and myself.

So it's easy to see that while the methods and ways to quit smoking are many, you need to do a little research and decide on which of those ways to quit smoking might work best for you. You can make this determination more easily by doing a little investigative work. Do scary pictures of lung cancer x-rays gross you out? Google some images and tack them up above your desk for inspiration and motivation. How about an online quit smoking support group or forum? Browse a book store for a self-help book on ways to quit smoking. Sooner or later, you'll find resources that motivate you.

So, you may be curious as to what I found to be the most effective ways to quit smoking, for me: having discovered that the name-brand cigarettes contained anywhere from 500 to 1000 (!) chemicals, in addition to the nicotine, I switched to an all natural 100% tobacco smoke. The withdrawal experienced was from the chemicals! Then I switched to herbal substitutes, which didn't taste very good. Then I quit smoking altogether!
Talk to your doctor, join a quit smoking forum and read up on the effects of this nasty and expensive habit. Find your personal motivations and what best helps address your triggers. That's when you'll find your best ways to quit smoking. You can do it!

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