What is an Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan?

The economic world is tough. Banks are taking billions of dollars out of the federal government's pockets and companies are collapsing left and right. You hear the word "bailout" about once a minute. But what about a "bailout" for you and me? Don't we deserve a little bit of help? The answer might lie in an unsecured debt consolidation loan. What is an unsecured debt consolidation loan and what can it do for you? Well, an unsecured debt consolidation loan can help improve your credit rating, lower your interest rates and help get your finances back on track.

An unsecured debt consolidation loan only differs from a secure one in the sense that a secure loan will have a certain degree of collateral to it. The most common source of collateral for a secure debt consolidation loan is home equity loan. If you've paid off a substantial portion of your mortgage and have seen the fair market value of your home go up markedly in recent years, a home equity loan is the perfect option for debt consolidation.

What if you don't have substantial home equity? You can still get the relief you need from an unsecured debt consolidation loan. An unsecured debt consolidation loan will give you the opportunity to allow a third-party lender to pool together all of your monthly bills and obligations and pay them for you. In return, they offer out an unsecured debt consolidation loan, to which you make one simple monthly payment.

There are several advantages to obtaining an unsecured debt consolidation loan. It can simplify your monthly bill paying time. For instance, before I had an unsecured debt consolidation loan, I would spend an entire Sunday trying to figure out what I owed to who and what kind of schedule would work for my paychecks and the collectors. No more. With my unsecured debt consolidation loan, I make one easy monthly payment. No missed or forgotten payment, and more time with my friends and family.

An unsecured debt consolidation loan can also help you save money. Many times, a debt consolidator is able to offer you a lower interest rate than your credit cards or other lenders might. Be careful though, your unsecured debt consolidation loan might have a higher interest rate. Make sure you read the fine print. The good news is that an unsecured debt consolidation loan might be exactly the thing you need to improve your credit score and get your finances back under control!

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