What is a VoIP Internet Phone?

Telephones have been around for over a century now, and they've never seen a revolution as big as cellular phones. Or have they? Cellular phones are great and all, but for high volumes of calls, home or office phones are still the best way to go. What if these cheaper home and office phones could be even cheaper? They can, if you switch to using a VoIP Internet phone.

What is a VoIP Internet phone? VoIP stands for "voice over Internet Protocol". Let me explain in English. A VoIP Internet phone uses your data connection, as opposed to a traditional phone connection. Essentially, you use your whatever form of Internet hook-up you have to place telephone calls for lower rates than you've ever seen. The ironic thing about that is that long before DSL or wi-fi, you had to use a phone modem to access the Internet. Times have changed and the tables have flipped. The cheapest way to make a phone call is with a VoIP Internet phone.

The benefits to using a VoIP Internet phone are plain. The first thing that's obvious is that unlike phone lines, there is no such thing as "long-distance" on the Internet. Your VoIP Internet phone call will cost the same regardless of where it is placed to. Furthermore, whereas your phone line is metered by the minute or by the second, the Internet is not. The Internet is usually given as a monthly flat rate - this rate includes a data usage. This data limit is usually so high that the average VoIP Internet phone user would never exceed it, thus, it's practically free from that standpoint. VoIP Internet phone sites will charge you fees for using their applications, but that is the only cost you'll incur and it's far lower than you would ever pay for your phone systems.

Cell phones have long claimed to be the replacement for your home or office phone. But the affordability of an VoIP Internet phone is making people reconsider that. A VoIP Internet phone is a great replacement for your home phone line, as you'll essentially be turning your two monthly bills - Internet and phone into one. Switching to a VoIP Internet phone might be a bit of money at first, but the savings for cutting off your phone service could be in the hundreds every year. If you don't want to be stuck relying on only your cell phone or if you make a lot of long distance calls, a VoIP Internet phone is right for you.

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