When And How To Discipline Children

Parenting is a constant learning experience, with each new day bringing a new set of challenges. As children age, they become more and more independent, and slowly begin to push the envelope with what they try to get away with in dealing with parents, teachers, and other children. Learning how to discipline children isnt as easy as a few simple rules it takes consistency, compassion, and understanding to help your children internalize behavioral rules and live by them. In this guide, I will share some of my best techniques for instilling a sense of discipline in your children, to hopefully ease your parenting path.

One of the most important things to learn is when (and when not) to discipline children. Many parents seem to take a hard-line approach where even the most minor of infractions merits a serious punishment. However, studies have shown that this is not the most effective way of ensuring proper behavior in fact, children raised in strict authoritarian households have a greater tendency towards rebellious behavior. This is because it is in the essential nature of a young person to try to test the authority of parents and guardians if theyre not given a relatively harmless way to do so, that rebellion builds up within them until they act out in potentially harmful ways. If you find yourself disciplining your children more than you think you should, take a step back and ask yourself What are the consequences of letting them continue this action? If its not harmful to themselves, others, or personal property, why not let it slide a little? Youll feel better and they will too.

Of course, Im not arguing that a good parent should never discipline children. There will be times in every parents life where they will need to lay the hammer of authority down. But it is important to temper that authority with understanding and communication. Simple punishment is not an effective way to discipline children they wont be able to connect the infraction to the penalty. You need to accompany the punishment with a conversation. And note that when I say conversation, I dont mean lecture you need to establish dialogue and let your child tell you their perspective on what theyve done. That doesnt mean letting them talk their way out of it, but its important that they feel like youre listening.

Methods of disciplining children vary, but many parents hold the time out concept superior. This is when, after discussing the infraction, the kid is placed in a neutral area for a set period of time or until they calm down. However, some pediatric experts argue that this is an inefficient way to discipline children, as at a young age they lack the needed capacity for self-reflection that would allow them to think about what theyve done. They argue that it is far better to redirect the misbehaving child to another location or activity after the parental conversation ends.

Whatever your perspective, proper discipline of your children is an essential responsibility for every parent. I hope this article has helped you figure out your methods moving forward.

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