Usually, insomnia can be classified into four levels. These include difficulty in falling asleep, difficulties with staying asleep, waking up earlier than planned and sleep state misperception. But the big question is, how much sleep does a person need to stay alert during the day? On average, scientists tell us that humans require eight hours of sleep per night. Individual studies have also shown that needs vary from person to person. There are a number of signs that are used to show healthy sleep.
One is that a good night sleep comes easily without resorting to drugs. Second, if you do wake up in the middle of the night you can quickly go back to sleep. Three, waking up occurs naturally each time and at the same time even without an alarm clock and finally, once you are up, you feel awake and alert all day. Anxiety insomnia will usually result if all or one of the above requirements is not met. Stress can cause lack of sleep and to counter that, it is always advisable to make the time before going to bed a pleasant period that is quiet and relaxed. Especially if you always have a restless day should you take time to do something enjoyable before retiring for bed.
Sometimes, you may experience anxiety insomnia that may last for nights. This is as a result of stress and environment which may heighten the stress levels. Other causes of anxiety insomnia are extreme temperature changes that occur in your surrounding environment. Anxiety due to jet lag can also cause insomnia nights that may last nights on end. Anxiety about daily cares can also cause feelings associated with depression. This may in turn trigger insomnia with its side effects. The situation can get worse when the sufferer takes excessive caffeine, takes alcohol before bedtime, smokes before going to sleep, takes afternoon siestas or has an irregular sleep/wake pattern. All these factors can worsen an anxiety insomnia case.
The consequences of anxiety insomnia are many especially daytime. For once, sufferers will experience sleepy days that can prove quite uncomfortable. It also results in impaired concentration which in some cases, for example while driving, can be dangerous. Insomnia may also result in impaired memory which will in turn result in poor judgments or decisions. Insomnia patients also tend to be irritable and emotional as a result of sleep deprivation. If you find that insomnia is affecting your quality of life, is advisable to take to a physician about the problem and to find a solution as soon as possible.
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