Before you adopt, consider this

One of the best tools out there can help you in adoption is the use of an adoption photolisting. These tools are very effective in helping prospective parents to bond with children at the initial stages of the adoption process. Due to the strong attachment that may develop, there are some precautions that should be taken that can help potential parents to make an intelligent decision based on facts rather than emotions.

An Adoption photolisting is a listing or collection of pictures, usually on the internet, of children available and waiting to be adopted. In most cases, very limited information is available that accompany the picture. Parents usually have to contact the agency listed in order to get more information about the child. As long the whole process of locating a child through an adoption photolisting is allowed in the country, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. After all, the child is top priority in this business, right? The whole process is more like when you receive a referral in the standard way and you get medical and other information on the child from the referring agency.

What makes an adoption photolisting so effective? For once, they are effective because they, in principle, are advertising. Pictures are great at selling. Even when special needs of a child are listed, parents will usually see the child first and the special needs second. This fact makes them potentially dangerous. Most parents will usually get attached to the child at first sight and will start thinking of him or her as their child. Intelligent parents will usually not let their heart win over reason and will research the agency before starting the adoption process. A good number of adoption agencies are known to take money from potential parents and then offer another child as a substitute since they may have sold the other child to another family.

Be cautious of agencies that hold a child until you have finished the paperwork and payment details before you can take the child home. If you feel the agency is hurrying or pushing you, it is best to run the other way. Another warning sign is an agency that does not require you to become educated about international adoption potential issues.

Adoption photolistings are a great way to locate a child. However do not check your brain at the door or in this case, the homepage and throw caution out of the window. Research about the agency in question and other legal issues involved. Be realistic too, remembering that the child in the picture may ultimately not be available for adoption. A picture may be worth a thousand words but reason should always come first, especially when using an adoption photolisting.

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