How to Secure your VoIP Data

The need for securing private data is becoming more important each passing year. Threats to business systems and network systems are increasing and the internet is getting hostile each passing year. VoIP security is one of the main areas that has seen organizations take measures to ensure that calls are safe and secure. But what types of threats require that an organization take into consideration VoIP security seriously?

Voice and data disruptions are common. Service disruptions, packet flooding, Denial of Service attacks and exploits, VoIP packet relays and endpoint pin change are among the disruptions that may affect the operation of a business. Packet injection, packet modification, call hijacking, address spoofing, toll fraud, application data theft and network eavesdropping are also common. VoIP security is thus an issue no serious organization would put into second place. No matter what the stakes are, privacy in business is important.

Encryption is one of the ways that organizations are using to secure their VoIP data and calls. One of the applications used to do this is Zfone. This free software secures VoIP calls by encrypting them. In order to use Zfone securely, both the caller and the recipient need to have the software installed, otherwise there is no guaranteed security. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and IP security commonly known as IPSec are other ways used to encrypt VoIP data and calls. These two differ in the level of encryption. TLS encrypts information that is traveling between 2 applications while the IPSec encryption does it between 2 devices. The 2 encryption techniques are designed to keep hackers from eavesdropping, packet injection and call tampering. TLS has seen a wide following because of its low use of network bandwidth and has proven to be more efficient.

Secure Real Time Transfer Protocol(SRTP) is another encryption that is used to protect calls and is ideal since it has minimal effect on call quality. VoIP security using SRTP is also more advanced since each call made creates a unique encryption key, making eavesdropping a near impossibility. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can also be used to secure VoIP. All that is needed is VoIP equipment at each end and an IP address. VPNs can be used to tie 2 offices together and provide a secure VoIP connection. Despite the growing threat to data and voice security, VoIP security has become more secure and many organizations are implementing the above encryption mechanisms securely on their systems.

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