Teaching English to adults as a second language is not easy. This is because, as we grow old, it becomes increasingly difficult to many people to revive their learning enthusiasm that they once had when they were young. It becomes even more difficult to shed old traits and replace them with new ones. However, it is still possible to learn new things even as we grow. Adult esl programs are aimed at helping adults who want to learn English as their second language. As you can imagine, the challenges are many but the rewards are worth all effort.
To start with, one of the most difficult things in learning a new language especially as an adult is shedding ones accent and adapting to a new one. The environment of a person is largely responsible for shaping ones accent and as a result, it can be difficult when one has to not only learn the verbs and nouns of a new language but also accentuate these in ones speech. However, take heart, while it may not be possible to entirely eliminate an accent, it can dramatically be reduced and made to reflect the required tongue.
Adult esl programs can also be made more effective by use of newspapers. Newspapers can be used excellently on all levels of teaching since different columns have a certain group of people. Since good teaching allows for an element of curiosity and mystery as well as a thirst for knowledge, newspaper stories and columns are excellent in this field. When students come across unfamiliar words, they should be encouraged to guess the meaning of the words as they go along. This will keep the student reading while unconsciously acquiring new vocabulary. When vocabulary is presented in an authentic and interesting way, like in the case of newspapers articles, it engages the students minds and allows it to be retained much better.
Adult esl programs are also effective by use of movies. Usually, the instructor will ask the students to create an introduction of the movies title, directors name, principal actors or actresses and other details to get him or her thinking. Close listening activities would include having students fill in missing words of what was said in the movie. Students can also be encouraged to look up movie reviews on the internet and read what comments. If the movie has a theme song, learn the lyrics as a class. All of these provide students with a lot of vocabulary and idioms that they would not have learned in other settings. Any adult esl program can be successful when the instructor and the students are willing to put forth effort to both teach others and be taught themselves.
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