In a society where every little wrinkle is promptly Botoxed away, where every little blemish is bleached and otherwise scientifically defeated, people who suffer from Rosacea are certainly in a difficult place. It can be an embarrassment that really takes some living down. It starts at around 30, and gives you a characteristic vermilion brightness over your face: your nose, your chin, your forehead, and brings up the visible blood vessels and reddish bumps all over. There is, in fact, quite a bit of reference made to Rosacea in classical literature. There hasn't always been a real way to treat this unhappy condition; but of recent, major pharmaceutical and beauty products corporations like Clinique have entered the arena with Rosacea skin care products. The only thing one wonders is, how the cosmetics makers let it be for this long. Cosmetics makers are not known to let any blemish, any skin defect go untreated for long.
Rosacea skin care products that promise to fight the disturbing ruddiness over your face, have been growing in sales for about ten years now; they bring in about half a billion in sales each year. And this doesn't even include the general-purpose skin care creams and potions out there that people buy for Rosacea, that are not specifically aimed at the condition. And about the only oral drug that the FDA has certified for use with Rosacea, Oracea, is an antibiotic. How are people making Rosacea skin care products and tablets; it isn't even really known what exactly causes this condition.
Dermatologists know this much about Rosacea: it mainly affects those with very pale skin, like people from northern Europe, for example. The condition affects women more than men, and basically it is some kind of inflammation. And it is hardly a rare condition. It is estimated that at least 20 million people worldwide suffer from it. Antibiotics can somewhat help with it in a way that Rosacea skin care products cannot because they are, basically, just mild anti-inflammatory creams and such. But there is still a lot of public education that needs to go into making these products useful to people. Most people who have Rosacea, seem to not recognize that there is an identifiable condition they suffer from. They just suffer the indignity in silence.
A good reason that people need to be made aware of Rosacea is that frequently, they mistake it for acne, and treat it with creams that contain benzoyl peroxide. This would be a terrible mistake with Rosacea. Apart from Oracea, a particularly effective treatment happens to be Vbeam laser treatment. Laser treatments can help I cannot blood vessels on your nose that are excessively dilated, and help you with your appearance. If your family has a history of Rosacea occurance, it would be a good idea to try to avoid some of the triggers that set off this condition. Spicy food, red wine, sudden temperature changes, and sunbathing are some of the conditions that can set it off.
Rosacea skin care products may not help with Rhynophyma, the most serious kind of Rosacea. People with this level of the condition, have to battle with a bright red nose, that has very conspicuous bumps, and thick rubbery skin. Laser treatment, as expensive and unproven as it is, would be your only chance. How would you feel if every time you walked into a room, people were to start to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?
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