Spring fashion colors for 2010

The world of high fashion and haute couture is a bizarre and inscrutable one to me, but nonetheless I do have some appreciation for it. I'm not blessed with an overabundance of aesthetic ability or cognizance. To be honest, I have trouble drawing as much as a straight line or matching my belt to my socks.

But I recognize art when I see it, and much of what's produced in the fashion world can be considered legitimate art. Even better, what you find there tends to be people who are fully, heart and soul, dedicated to the creative process. If you're dismissing the notion of fashion as art, that is your right, but at the very least grant that fashion - the construction of a well-fitting dress, or coat, or ensemble - denotes a level of artisanry that is, if not breathtaking, quite admirable in and of itself.

So with that preamble, let me explain that each season of each year ends up highlighting different colors. And since spring is on the horizon, it's good planning to take a look at the upcoming spring fashion colors.

The spring fashion colors are usually debuted at New York's Fashion Week, which is held in early November (yes, November's not spring, but the idea is that all the top designers get their creations out there for the world to see and, essentially, copy. It also creates buzz about certain designs and designers, which is just good business and good marketing). Spring fashion colors tend to be more daring than what you'll find from autumn fashion colors, and though I'm an autumn person myself, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what spring fashion colors have to offer.

The PANTONE Fashion Color Report is the bible for determining what the key spring fashion colors and autumn fashion colors will be. They determine the report's contents by talking to the top designers and examining each collection at New York's fashion week thoroughly. Nothing is left unnoticed or untouched, and more's the better if you want to get a truly accurate reading of what the upcoming spring fashion colors will be.

So even with the traditional daring of spring, this year's spring fashion colors are somewhat muted. Turquoise was the big winner, followed by what I would call "red", but what the PANTONE report calls "Tomato Puree." Yes, part of being in fashion is convincing yourself that "red" and "tomato puree" are two different colors, I suppose.

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