The Best Way to Tour Europe

More and more Americans are deciding to spend their vacation days by crossing the Atlantic and visiting Europe. To tour Europe may be a life long dream that you have, whether it is to see the countries of your heritage, or to visit someplace new and exciting. There a dozens of reasons to tour Europe, but there is definitely some ways to do it well.

First of all, decide in what manner you want to tour Europe. This will actually have a lot to do with practical concerns like how much money you have and how much time you have. If you have a short amount of time, you need to consider what kind of tour to go on. There is literally no limit to the amount of sights and cities to see in Europe, so don't even try to see everything. To tour Europe completely is like trying to count the stars in the sky; you'll never really be able to do it.

So be realistic about what you can and cannot see and do. From there, it is a simple matter of making a list and prioritizing where and what you want to see the most. Again, this has to be realistic. You probably cannot see more cities than you have days to see them in. Even if you would be able to see one city each day, you might not want to. There are some cities like Paris or Rome where you could spend months exploring just that one city, or even just one neighborhood.

Personally, this is my favorite way to tour Europe. I think if you have a week or so, you should pick two, maybe three cities, and really try to enjoy those two or three cities. So whether you choose Dublin, London and Amsterdam, or Barcelona, Vienna and Prague, this gives you a full day or two in each city. Also remember, that going at such a breakneck speed is exhausting and you may burn out by the fourth or fifth day. Take time to rest as well.

There is no right or wrong way to tour Europe. Whether you want to stay in one city or even one country, or bounce around to a different city each night, a trip to Europe should reflect what and where you want to see. Because of the high cost, both in terms of money and time, you only get so many chances to go to Europe and you really need to decide how to make the most of it.

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