The Government Found Out that the Islamic Terrorists Planned Biological

The Government Found Out that the Islamic Terrorists Planned Biological and Nuclear Terror Attacks

Japan is a country that has very capable security forces, and the funds to keep their efforts well-oiled too. And yet,the death cult Aum Shin Rikyo in Japan found it easy to try to plant poison gas in Tokyo's crowded subway system one busy day. America is just as prepared, capable and funded; but what can you do when these terrorists make small-scale attempts - blow up their shoes or their underwear on a plane to cause mass destruction? Or even the Oklahoma City bomber? A few years ago, there were reports in the papers that the government came across communications among Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda outfit that they were dropping their plans for terror attacks using poison chemicals on the New York subway system, because they had something even more ambitious in mind. Security forces don't seem to have found anything more threatening planned the way the message warned, but they do know that plans for terror attacks are always being hatched involving nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.

They know that something big is going down, because they are always hearing about how all these terrorists from different countries have been networking, trying to build an alliance that would help them get the technology they needed, and the training too in addition. The government isn't kidding itself that things have been quiet ever since 2001 because they successfully shut down their ability to plan terror attacks. Smaller scale terror attacks, the extremists would have completely been able to carry out, and the country would have been helpless. It's just that after the reputation the terrorists obtained with the World Trade Center towers, they just don't want to aim low anymore.

A recent report by Congress involving both the Republicans and the Democrats, has been very harsh of what President Obama's vision has been for national security, against terrifying terror attacks that would involve chemicals or dangerous bacteria and viruses. The report foretells that we should expect something over the next three years. Lots of people like to think that the frequent bin laden videos that the newspaper reports keep telling us about are just hot air; but the intelligence agencies feel that panning people who have demonstrated that they are insane enough and capable enough to simultaneously hijack four commercial airliners for suicide missions are people you never under-estimate.

They keep planning, and the US government keeps breaking them up. About five years ago, trying to get their hands on anthrax, the Islamic terrorists lined up a biological scientist in Pakistan and other people in the Malaysian military to get their materials; but then they thought of terror attacks even worse. They decided to try their luck with something that would really earn them their stripes - stolen nuclear weapons from Russia. They had an international terror coalition put together to achieve this; but fortunately, the US and Saudi governments got wind of this, and came down like a ton of bricks on everyone in that country that was connected to this harebrained scheme. The relative quiet of the last few years might make people feel we don't need to be extremely vigilant anymore. But as the Obama government probably realizes too, a certain level of investment in keeping terror attacks at bay is unavoidable - by doing enough intelligence work, and building bridges with countries that are able to help us,.

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