Most men know that sending or buying Valentine day flowers is de rigeur. It's not something you do that's "nice", it's something expected, like taking down the garbage, mowing the lawn, or cleaning the garage. It's a gesture of marital servitude and acceptance of your place as a pawn in Hallmark's game of houses.
What most men don't know is that different valentine day flowers have different meanings. You can't go wrong with red roses, obviously - red roses mean love. Stick with that tried and true formula, and things will be just fine. But if you want to take it to another level, live a little risky and out on a limb, then you should consider some valentine day flowers alternatives.
For example, the aster is a beautiful irridescent purpleish-pink flower with a yellow center. It looks kind of like a sunflower, only if sunflowers were roughly a thousand times more beautiful than they are. And the aster itself, like the red rose, is a symbol of love. (And daintiness, but hey, she doesn't need to know that. She'll just be impressed that you were able to still come through with flowers, show some originality, and brag to her friends about you. In short, you'll have taken a mundane task and turned it into big points in your favor - very important with March Madness and the start of the baseball season coming up).
A bouquet of valentine day flowers that may light a fire in your relationship - something married couples occasionally need - is the pink camellia. Like the Aster it has a yellow center, and though the aster itself is more beautiful in my humble opinion, the pink camellia's indication is a "longing for you." That's pure romance, and if she's not appreciative of that, your relationship may need more than just a few flowers in order to fix what's broken.
The red camillia is very similar, with the meaning "you're a flame in my heart." Pretty romantic, very pretty, and a very nice alternative to red roses. You might, however, want to stay away from the white camellia, which means "you're adorable." It's a nice sentiment, of course, but the wrong woman could take that message the wrong way, and instead of earning brownie points you'd have set yourself back some with those.
And of course you can almost never go wrong with the forget-me-not when it comes to valentine day flowers. A beautiful sky blue with a yellow center, the forget-me-not symbolizes both true love and memories. For those in an enduring relationship, nothing could be more appropriate than these beautiful flowers for valentine's day.
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