Why You Should Own Unscented Candles

Candles have a beauty that can not be matched. Otherwise, they would not still be popular today. These were used for practical reasons long before the first light bulb glowed. Many use them as decorative items in the home, and they also use them to cover up odors or to add a nice scent to any room. In some rare cases, they are still used for light when no other source is available. Many want to get the best scented and longest lasting candles, but there are some great reasons why you may want to have a stash of unscented candles in your home.

There are some people who do not like scents. Very light and breezy scents may not bother them, but the aroma coming from a candle or a room freshener may be too much for them. They may sneeze a lot when near someone wearing perfume or cologne. If you have such a person in your home, or such a person is coming to visit you, you may find a stash of unscented candles is a great idea. They are great when having a dinner party or other event in which you want to have candlelight but you do not want the aroma. Those with sensitive noses will thank you.

Unscented candles in taper form are great for the table when the only thing you want to smell is the food. There are some scents that can actually take away from the taste of the food. We do not just taste with our tongues, as the smell of a food also makes it taste good or bad to us. Think about how foods taste when you have a cold and can not smell, or hold your nose when eating to see how much the scent of a food influences how much you like or dislike it. Using unscented candles allows the food aroma to be all that it should be while you are eating.

You may always pay your electric bill on time, but you still have to worry about the power going out. If there is a storm or something malfunctions, you could find that you are without light and power for a few hours or even a few days. Unscented candles may be a better choice for light in the night time as scented candles can become overwhelming if you use them for a long period of time. If you smell the candle for too long, it may become too much. If you have a stash of unscented candles you can use those instead, or switch back and forth if you want some aroma.

Those that own their own business may find a use for a lit candle once in a while. If this is the case, unscented candles are the safe choice. No matter what scent you choose to burn, there is always someone that is not going to like it whether it be an employee or a customer. That is the last thing that you want to deal with just because your candles were lavender or cherry scented rather than unscented candles. Have a stash of plain candles on hand for when the mood strikes and you can keep everyone happy.

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