One great thing about having a shower for someone, whether it be a baby or wedding shower, is that you have a lot of options that are all up to you. When you are wording wedding invitations you have to be very careful about how you do it, but when it comes to shower invitation wording, you can do almost anything you want as long as you get the right information in there. Think about the people you are honoring, what you will be doing, and then you can come up with the perfect wording for the invitation you will send out to guests you want to come to the shower.
First, before you start wording your shower invitations, decide on the activity or theme. You may be having a simple party that does not need much description, but more and more people are having themed showers for those that they love. Perhaps you are going to have an outdoor BBQ for a wedding shower that includes sports, or maybe you are going to have a baby shower that includes new and interesting activities for a mom to be that is having her first child. Knowing what you are going to do helps with the shower invitation wording.
If there are special things your guests should bring with them, this has to be included in your shower invitation wording. If you have a pool and swimming will be part of the celebration, you have to let your guests know so that they can bring a swimming suit and towel with them. If you will be doing something rather messy, that is great information to pass along in the invitation as well. Anything extra or special a guest should bring should always be included in the invitation so no one is left unprepared or left out of some of the party.
Simple shower invitation wording is always best. Simple state who you are and who your co-hosts may be, and state that you are having a baby shower or wedding shower in honor of your friend or friends. You can then include the time, place, and a number and email address to call or write to for RSVP and directions. You can then add any specials on the end like the needed swimming suit or that it will be outside and that sunscreen would be a good idea. Also give an RSVP date so people call you in time to let you know if they are coming or not.
Don't fret too much if you can not seem to come up with the right shower invitation wording. There are plenty of examples on the Internet that you can use, and you can also find invitations that simply allow you to fill in the blanks, negating the need for you to figure out how to word things just right. A shower is never as formal as a wedding, so no need to stress about the wording being just so. Make it short, sweet, and informative with all the proper contact information and you are good to go.
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