There are many ways that you can remember your pregnancy. Some women like to have pictures taken of their stomachs each month to see how it grows. Others don't like to be photographed, but may instead keep a detailed journal of each day of the pregnancy. Still others like to have pregnancy belly casts done. These can be a lot of fun and definitely leave a lasting impression of a pregnancy. These can be done near the end and then can be kept as a work of art as well as a reminder of baby before he or she entered the world.
Pregnancy belly casts are definitely something that you can do at home. You just have to buy the right supplies, or you can buy a kit that is made with everything that you need. This can be messy, but it can also be a lot of fun. If you already have children, they will love helping you with this particular project. Some leave the cast blank and let it stand as that, and others will add a few things to make it extra special and so that it includes the entire family.
If you choose to buy the supplies on your own, keep a few safety issues in mind. Most plaster you can use for this is safe to go on the skin, but if you want to color your pregnancy belly cast, do it after you have made the cast unless you know the tint or coloring you want to add to the plaster is safe. Chemicals can sink into the skin and hurt the baby. This has a slim chance of happening, but you don't want to take any chances with your pregnancy. These can be painted or stained when done, so don't feel that you have to tint the plaster before you start.
After you have made your pregnancy belly casts and they have completely dried, you can the do some fun things with it. You can even do things with it before it dries. If you have children and they want to put their mark on your cast, they can put some things into the plaster before it dries, like fake gems or other fun embellishments. After it has dried, they can add these tings with a good glue if you wish. You can have them paint or decorate these any way they wish if you want them to do anything to your new cast of your belly.
What you want to do with your cast when it is done is up to you. It can be a rather awkward thing to display in your living room. For one, it is big and will need some sort of stand if you want to display it, and pregnancy belly casts can also be more private, and you may want to keep them somewhere else in your home. If you worry about they decaying over time, which can happen, find a good way to seal them so that the plaster does not dust off or chip off as time goes on. You'll want to keep it and treasure it for a very long time.
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