When you are searching online for help and relationship breakup advice, you may find a lot of help and books about how to deal with it when you are dumped by someone else, but there is little out there about how to make a breakup as easy as possible on other person when you are the one that wants out. Not all people accept a breakup well, but you can be kind about it and a have little understanding about how they are going to feel. This will make you feel better in the long run no matter what your reasons for leaving the relationship. You have to go, but see if you can spare the other person embarrassment, unnecessary pain, and the loss of their dignity.
The first bit of relationship breakup advice you may want to take is to remember that you should always end one relationship before you start another. Some will go out and cheat because they do not know how to end their current relationship, and they feel that the other person will do it for them once they discover the cheating. This is the meanest thing you can do to someone. If you ever loved them or cared for them, do not do this. It caused unneeded pain and embarrassment. Always finish one relationship before you start another. There are no exceptions and no excuses.
Next, think about why you are ending the relationship when you think about relationship breakup advice you may be getting from friends. They may not like your partner much, and suggest that you be heartless about it. Don't take that advice. If you are cruel, you are inflicting pain that could backfire on you. If you are calm yet firm about the breakup, and agree to talk with them, they may not feel the need to retaliate. Embarrass them and be unkind or nasty about it, they may feel the need to seek revenge. Many have found this out the hard way.
If someone wants to talk to you after you have ended things, you should consider doing this, as long as you feel it is safe. If there has been violence or threats of violence, that would be the exception. Cut all ties immediately, change your number if you have to, and seek an order of protection if necessary. Otherwise, give the other person a chance to understand what they did wrong. It will help them in the future with other relationships. They may be completely ticking you off and you may see no redemption for the relationship, but discussing things with them can help them in the future and help them move on now.
Sometimes, breakups don't stick. People get back together all the time. If you are unsure about a relationship and feel that you need some time away from it to see how you feel, communicate that well. Don't give them hope for things that may not happen, but be kind and be honest about how you are feeling. The best relationship breakup advice would be to treat the other as you would want to be treated if you were being let go. You may very well find that you have made a mistake and want to try again, but if you were cruel and unkind, that door may have closed forever.
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