Five ideas for a departure from the classic girl's night

Five ideas for a departure from the classic girl's night out

Back in the day, when the ladies indulged in a 'girl's night out', it usually meant congregating at a bar and restaurant for happy hour for drinks, followed by dinner. The usual impetus for such an event was to be able to sit around with the ladies and chat and gossip things men are known not to be in to as a favored activity. Here we give you five, updated ides for the old-fashioned style of girl's night out. While the guys are sitting around the tube watching a sports event, drinking beer and yelling over every play, try these chick friendly activities for equal opportunity enjoyment.

1.Now's your chance to see the latest chick flick! We all know that dragging your guy to a epic romance film, or a sappy romantic comedy is difficult. If you manage to get him to go, this doesn't usually end up as a great date. Take the girls and bring your pack of tissue.

2.As a rule, theatre, ballet, symphonies and opera are not most men's favorite events. While there surely are some exceptions, most guys would much rather be watching a football game or playing poker. While they're having their good time, you get the ladies together for this girl's night out. Everybody wins!

3.Even if you've never ice skated in your life, going to the rink can be a blast for the ladies. While men seldom want to be fumbling and falling over the surface of the rink it's not manly women are much more willing to make a goof. This is also good exercise. A trip to the roller skating rink is another good idea for the girl's night out.

4.How about a night spent shopping at the antique mall, followed by a dinner at the local pizza joint? Men traditionally hate antique malls, while women can spend hours browsing the goods. You can make it a window shopping trip, although you'll probably find several tempting items, so bring a little pin money, just in case. If your budgets allow, dinner at an upscale restaurant makes this girl's night out even more enjoyable.

5.Community classes in crafts, painting, ceramics or stained glass work are activities more often enjoyed by women than men or at least not by your spouse or boyfriend. Put up a flier on the bulletin board at work, or at your church, inviting other women to join you in one of these community classes. You'll get lots of takers, giving everyone an opportunity to make new friends. Some private shops offer classes and you may also get a group discount.

So there you have it. Five great ideas for your next girl's night out. Sounds much more fun than a happy hour outing, don't you think? Properly coordinated with the men's loud sporting get togethers, you just leave them with the chips, dips, sandwiches and beer and go have your own fun!

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