One of the biggest tactical errors that antiwar protesters in the 60s and 70s ever made was to spit out returning veterans. As peace activists, we can oppose the war that they are fighting while recognizing that they are risking their lives to do what they think is right. Some of them aren't even enlisted for ideological reasons, but because they can't afford college any other way. The economic hardships that many face in this country force them into the army in the first place. The jingoistic redneck sector of America has chanted support our troops for long enough as if they own the phrase, but supporting our troops means bringing them home. The war is not in their interest. I am sure that every single one of them on the battlefield would rather come home and live in peace than die in Iraq.
We must make it clear that we are the ones who support our soldiers. All of those gas guzzling SUVs you see on the highways with support our troops bumper stickers don't really truly care about the fate of our troops. For them, supporting our troops means supporting the decisions that our leaders make. It means blindly following the rules even if innocent people die. In my opinion though, the decision to support our troops means to act in their best interest. Our troops are willing to give their lives to fight for freedom in this country, but the wars we are fighting now are not about freedom.
Some of the peace activists that I know even send military greeting cards to our troops overseas. They are very serious about their decision to support our troops, and they want to make it known that peace activists also send gifts to recognize the sacrifice that American soldiers are making. Nonetheless, it is not the gifts that really support our troops. Instead, it is the tireless dedication of activists doing everything they can to make the stay of American troops in Iraq brief. Every support our troops ribbon that you buy doesn't do anything to actually help the troops in Iraq. All it does is help whoever owns the Chinese sweatshop where it was made. The fact is that there are enough problems at home that we don't have to send our troops overseas looking for a fight. Instead, we should concentrate on getting our own house in order before we go all around the world, telling others what to do.
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