Change of Name

Are you thinking about a change of name? There are common reasons why this is done and some not so common reasons. You are not going to have much problem if you are changing your last name because you just got married, but you may have problems if you are changing your first or last name for any other reason. When you want to do this, be prepared to explain why you are going to change your name, what effect you hope it has on your life, and how determined you are to do it. At times, you may be denied your request, at least legally.

Any woman changing her name for marriage only has to fill out the forms to get it done. You can not just go about it for any reason though. You have to prove that you were married with copies of your marriage certificate. Otherwise, the process of change of name after marriage is rather easy. You can find help and do it yourself kits online that will help you out. The most important changes that make your change of name legal are changes on your social security number and your driver's license. Don't forget your utilities, credit cards, and bank accounts when making the switch.

There are other times when a change of name is not as easy or straight forward. In most cases, you have to have the blessing of a court to legally change your first or last name, or both. You may want to change your last name because it was changed during your childhood due to parent marriage or adoption, and you wish to have your old name back for whatever reason. This is a reasonable request and can be done. Some children with hyphenated last names want to switch to just one for simplicity reasons.

Some people need a change of name because they have to move on with their life in an anonymous manner. This could be because they were the victims of domestic violence or they witnessed a crime and fear they will be targeted. Change of name due to domestic violence is by far the more common reason of the two for a name change, but both happen. In these cases, the name is changed and kept quiet and sealed, and a person can then move away and start over again. This protection is not completely effective, but works in many cases.

You may ask for a change of name simply because you do not like your name, or because you want to go back to your maiden name after a bad marriage. What you have to do is to give the courts a compelling reason as to why you need to change your name. If there is any doubt as to your motives when asking, you may be denied. You can not change your name to escape debt or any other legally binding contract. Be prepared to prove why you want the change and to prove that you are not trying to hide from legitimate debts by changing your name.

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