Dedicated Gane Servers and the War of Warcraft Scene

One of the most popular games on the web today is World of Warcraft. What makes the game exciting is the level of interactivity and the variety of sceneries players get to experience throughout the game. How is it that a game like War of Warcraft is able to handle requests from thousands, possible millions of players simultaneously, without any problems?

Blizzard Entertainment, the creators of this game use what are called dedicated game servers to ensure gameplay 24/7 365. These servers are able to handle many requests at the same time and still deliver the required requests, but they do this successfully for a number of reasons. One is because the client server communication takes place only when there is a need to display information about what is going on in the world around the game. You see, maps and sceneries in the game are not online. Rather they are stored in your computer and the only thing that these dedicated game servers have to do is do the calculations to let you know, for example, where mobs are in relation to you, how much damage you have inflicted and whether your attacks are successful. These servers also collect information from other players and relays it to you. Thus you are able to see other characters, their gear and even receive chat messages and group invitations.

The amount of calculations dedicated game servers perform can be see in, say, a scene where you plan to attack the Doom Lord Kazzak. You and your friends approach the dark lord and while you do so, your computer sends information to the servers on your location. If you get too close, the server will pull him. Once you are in range and the attack begins, the server, via Kazzak, attacks. The server relays information to all the players involved in the scene. As the fighting progresses, the server calculates the damage and healing of each player and other statistics and displays the information to all the clients. If you are successful, the server alerts your computer to play the death animation. Other things that come into play include the part where players loot Kazzak's body and the players distribute the loot. Dedicated game servers ensure that each looted item goes to a players inventory and remove the item from each players game view. This level of calculation is done time and again as the game progresses. Now that you have an idea of what is going on behind the scenes, load up the game and lets get playing!

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