Christian parenting forums offer social opportunities and insightful perspectives for

Christian parenting forums offer social opportunities and insightful perspectives for people of all faiths

If you're a busy parent, looking for a little socializing online, with lively discussion and debates, as well as insights on parenting, the Christian parenting forums might be an excellent choice. It's not necessary that you adhere to the Christian faith, as many of the Christian parenting forums are quite open to people of all faiths. Maybe you're just curious to see what the Christian take on parenting issues might be. Perhaps you would like to learn more about the Christian faith, without attending or joining a Christian church.

The Christian parenting forums offer much more than advice on parenting. Recently, purely out of curiosity and a lack of time for socializing, I looked into a number of these forums and joined one which appeared to be quite active and diverse in topics for discussion. I have been impressed with the members postings and the depth of the discussions. While I don't belong to a particular church, I have been a Bible student for many years. I, like many others, don't like religion being forced on me in a dogmatic way, which is one of the reasons I don't belong to a church. This Christian parenting forum has proved rewarding on a number of levels.

It's easy and free to join. The registration is simple, requiring only a user name, password and email address. Once you register, you're free to participate in any of the discussions. You begin by introducing yourself in whatever manner or level of detail you wish. This allows other members to get to know you and where you're coming from. Reading through the introductions, you'll discover there are members from all walks of life and religious backgrounds and affiliations. The forum moderator is typically the first to welcome you.

What I've found most striking in this Christian parenting forum is that the members are genuinely friendly and not stodgy or proselytizing, nor pushing their agenda on you. Talk is on issues common to all of humanity, based on a Christian perspective. Postings often end with a relevant quote from a Bible verse which the poster feels supports the premise of the post. Others jump into the discussion, offering an additional insight, or opening a debate on the issue. People of other faiths may post their view, with a supporting quote from their own religious texts. I've not yet found a hostile posting, flaming anyone.

This Christian parenting forum seems to set a good example of how people can interact and learn from one another. Conversations between Christians of every denomination and varying traditions, along with non-Christian perspectives yields plenty of food for thought.

The focus of the Christian parenting forums spans dozens of categories beyond parenting issues. The parenting categories cover kids of all ages, as well as topics aimed at specific issues faced by single parents.

There are Christian parenting forums dedicated exclusively to men's and women's discussions, which perhaps is a good choice for people who can benefit most from a gender specific viewpoint.

The range of topics is astonishing. Philosophy, ethics, discussions of divinity and spirit, Bible prophecy, dreams and visions, theology in general and politics are all there. In addition to these more intellectual exchanges, the forums also have threads pertaining to music, entertainment and hobbies. Most offer a wealth of links to Christian resources. Some even offer free Christian blogs.

Christian parenting forums might be thought of as a social networking community based on Christian principles. It's a great way for anyone to socialize!

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