Civil War Antiques

War historians are always fascinated by internal conflicts and their effect on society. Collectors of military artifacts are interested too and US Civil War antiques are extremely collectible. Many collectors like to track down original items and there is a great deal of variety available, documenting every facet of this war that split families apart from 1861 to 1865.

For the general public, there are museums that house Civil War antiques, giving an opportunity to gain an insight into the period and the lives of the Union and Confederate soldiers. The National Civil War Museum is located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the collection includes documents, manuscripts, photographs, maps, weapons, uniforms, and personal effects. There are also musical instruments and medical artifacts from the war years.

Some of the items are associated with famous figures from the day. General Robert E. Lee's battle map and copy of the bible are on display, as is a leather hatbox belonging to Abraham Lincoln. A sword belt, wooden saddle and tack box is shown and was the property of General Ulysses S. Grant. Rockville, Connecticut is the location for the New England Civil War Museum, which has an impressive collection of Civil War antiques donated by veterans of different infantry divisions. The exhibits include maps, prints, paintings, photographs and various documents.

Collectors can buy items of military clothing such as a gray wool frock coat, used by a Confederate soldier with gilt rank bars on the collar. There are also forage kepi hats, typically worn by Staff Officers. Infantry haversacks and various belts, buckles and sword hangers are also available. Weaponry is a very popular kind of civil war antique and includes a LeFaucheaux Pinfire Revolver and a Confederate Rigdon and Ansley Percussion Revolver. Cartridge boxes and brass ball bullet molds are also available. The navy was also involved in combat and some collectors like to acquire naval muskets.

There is a high standard of craftsmanship in the swords and accessories used in the conflict. Many Civil War antique enthusiasts specialize in collecting these weapons. Amongst the items available are a Confederate sword and bayonet with scabbard and a Union Light Artillery sabre with scabbard. Some blades have intricate etchings on them, such as battle scenes. Bowie knives were also used and these sometimes come on the market with their leather sheaths.

Miscellaneous artifacts serve to document the everyday life of the soldier, such as a wicker and white metal glass flask to hold whiskey. Civil War antique framed photographs show soldiers in their various uniforms. Flags, both from the Union and Confederate side, are displayed in wooden frames. The horror of war is brought home by medical items, such as the surgeon's amputation kit; complete with amputation saw in a wooden case.

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