How to lose weight without feeling deprived and starving!

How to lose weight is the topic of many a lunchtime conversation these days. There are more weight loss plans than you can shake a stick at, but the incidence of overweight and obese Americans doesn't jive with the number of weight loss programs from which we can choose. So what's the problem? Is it simply a lack of discipline on the part of would-be dieters? Can the fault be laid at the door of genes, or a slow metabolism? Perhaps the lack of success many dieters experience may be partially explained as a little of each of these possibilities.

However dare I say it in many cases, it's too easy to use these possibilities as a way to excuse ourselves from the bottom line. This is not to say that dieting is easy. The trick to learning how to lose weight is in getting the right mindset, prior to beginning your diet.

Much like quitting smoking, you've got to have a commitment to following through and a plan of attack. You've got to psych yourself up, with all the reasons why you want to lose weight listed in black and white, posted in a conspicuous place. Tape a copy on the frig, on the bathroom mirror and on the scales. Using this technique, you've got the motivation squarely in your face. What remains is how to lose weight without feeling deprived, starved or sorry for yourself. Success is the objective.

Think of this: have you ever known an overweight vegetarian? If you decided to become a vegetarian, you'd discover how to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Vegetables have very few calories. While a strictly vegetarian diet may not be your cup of tea, front loading your meals with substantial quantities of vegetables is one of the secrets of how to lose weight. There are so many herbal seasonings and salt substitutes available, so you can really dress up the taste, while feeling full to boot. Begin your meal with a large course of vegetables and a glass of flavored water. A dash of lemon juice will add a spark of tangy flavor, as well as aiding in digestion. You can even put some butter on the veggies to really make the whole deal enjoyable. Allow 10-15 minutes after you've eaten the first course before moving on to the second course.

A second course of fish, chicken or other lean meat provides your protein. Waiting 10-15 minutes after finishing the first course gives your stomach a chance to say Ah, yes, now we're talking! You may even feel a bit full to move on to the protein. That seemingly stingy 4-6 ounce portion of meat may now seem difficult to finish. Go ahead. You can do it. Refill your water glass. Eat slowly and enjoy every bite.

Still hungry? This is doubtful, but there's an easy remedy. Have seconds on vegetables. Have a banana for dessert. Slice an apple and give it a sprinkling of cinnamon mixed with Splenda(TM), a sugar substitute with zero calories. High fiber fruits and vegetables will fill you up, guaranteed.

Whole grains and fruit for breakfasts, a big chef's salad for lunch and lots of water throughout the day. Elegantly drawn out dinner feasts. These are the foolproof secrets on how to lose weight and keep it off.

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