How to meet women? Easy. The right ones? Still easy!

How to meet women? Easy. The right ones? Still easy!

It seems surprising how many men find it difficult to meet women. If you are one of those who wonder how to meet women, read on and see how you can make it easy on yourself and meet women who are attractive, fun and interesting, with interests compatible with yours. Think that's a tall order? Not really.

Come the weekend, you decide to go out on the town with some of your buds and meet some women. If you usually hit the bars, you're looking in the wrong place. However, it's one of the most common places men seek out. That's not how to meet women. Even the 'upscale' bars can be pretty noisy and sometimes rowdy places. Women go out for a night with the girls and seldom are looking for men they really want to get to know. While you might find some attractive women, they'll probably be put off by you and the guys, each trying to look more debonair than the next. Showing up in a bar by yourself just makes you look like you're on the prowl, or perhaps even some dangerous stalker type! If you want to know how to meet women, forget the bar scene!

So where do you go? We'll assume you want to meet women with whom you'll be compatible. The best way to accomplish this is by going to places where you'd have a good time all by yourself. If you love going to museum exhibits, doesn't it make sense that women who enjoy museum shows will also be in attendance? If there's an exhibit this month of various painters of the Impressionist period (your favorites), you might just hit the jackpot, meeting a woman with a similar passion. Strike up an intelligent conversation and you may end up with a fascinating dinner partner for the evening.

Maybe you're the outdoorsy type. Whether you like to jog, bike, roller skate or ski, your choices are obvious. Get your sports equipment out of the closet and get to where the action is. Women also enjoy each of these activities. That's how to meet women with a built-in compatibility factor.

Maybe you're not the sporty type. You like to read, listen to classical music and generally lead a quiet sort of life. Find the local coffee house that caters to your tastes. These coffee hangouts are busy day and night, attracting women who are just your type. Unlike bars, these coffee houses aren't considered 'pickup' places. It's much easier for you to get by with a conversation opener, such as, I couldn't help noticing ...

Knowing how to meet women and where to meet them, is really easy. You just have to know where to look. Match up your interests with the right venue and you'll meet some women who interest you and it will be mutual.

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