Optimizing a bed and breakfast website requires more than the

Optimizing a bed and breakfast website requires more than the usual business website: virtual visual appeal

If you own a bed and breakfast, you've got plenty of competition. Your B&B is luxury accommodations, at some level. People looking for a B&B getaway are essentially looking for a short-term home away from home that provides a beautiful and pampering environment. Otherwise, they'd be looking for a more reasonably priced good motel in the same area. This is why your bed and breakfast website should not be shy in exuding all the charm you can muster.

A bed and breakfast website is similar in nature to a beautiful shop's window display. An elegant, charming presentation draws customers into your 'shop' who want to take a closer look at what you have to offer, whereas a haphazardly constructed bed and breakfast website which resembles a corporate website strictly business is not visually appealing and is far less likely to entice your potential customers to continue browsing. After all, your visitors are looking for a place to stay that looks well kept, comfortable and generates that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Most B&Bs have individual rooms of a limited number, each usually decorated in a slightly different manner to appeal to different tastes. Some are themed, as is the case with a bed and breakfast in the Gold Country of California, which might be furnished in quaint period pieces. No matter what your theme is, from Gold Country to wine country to a seaside or mountain resort, your furniture and amenities should be geared to visitors coming to take in those local activities.

Images should be used in far greater concentration than required by other types of websites. As appropriate, a panoramic view of the immediate area, showing the beautiful natural surroundings might be a good image choice for the top of each page of your bed and breakfast website. Unlike a motel, your visitors want to see each room and choose one that they'd love to make their cozy 'nest' during their stay. An image of the outside of your lovely B&B and grounds should be on your main page.

When you're still in the design phase of your new website, or are revamping your existing website, consider devoting one page to each of your rooms, including a 'See our Rooms' button on your main page's navigation bar. Insert images which showcase that room from different perspectives, so that the visitor isn't left wondering what the other side of the room looks like. If the bathroom contains a jacuzzi, don't just tell them in a brief description, provide an image that shows the jacuzzi, the standard vase of daily fresh flowers, a nice piece of artwork or the stunning views from a bay window. More than most retail websites, the bed and breakfast website must give the visitor a virtual tour of your facilities which attracts online bookings.

Aside from the images, you'll want to hire a copywriter who can eloquently, but concisely describe the various features of your rooms to fill in the gaps the visitor may not perceive through the images. For example, The Rose Room provides 18th century luxury with 21st century technology ... going on to describe the satellite TV and wireless internet service and other up to date technology that appeals to business travelers.

Your dining facilities deserve the same careful attention. A shot of smiling diners, lifting their elegant wine glasses in a toast, with a nice table setting and dishes being served is much better than a shot of an empty room. If you offer a library of books and DVDs for your guests, show them this as well.

A solid online reservation system is an absolute must. If your customers must call an 800 number, this extra step they must perform may lose you their business.

For even greater success in painting a glamorous and inviting picture, devote another page or two to shopping, entertainment and activities in your area. Your bed and breakfast website is selling an experience, not just a place to sleep, so make yours shine!

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