Comparing Air Conditioner Prices

When the summer months hit, I get on my knees and pray in gratitude for air conditioning. I can't stand the muggy summer days and without an air conditioner, I'd probably spend those hot months up in Alaska. Luckily, I don't have to. But this solution isn't simple, as there are different options for air conditioners, and, let's not kid ourselves, air conditioner prices have a lot to do with it. Here are the three main kinds of air conditioners.

Central air conditioning is the king of air conditioners - and of course, the central air conditioner prices are a king's ransom. But if you're looking for the most comprehensive cooling system for your home, central air is the way to go. It is the most expensive, but offers the most cool air in your home. Other air conditioner options only cool one or two rooms, while central air conditioning will keep any room with a duct cool all summer long.

At the opposite end of the spectrum of air conditioner prices is the window box unit. A window box air conditioner unit is the most affordable option for keeping your cool. However, they are noisy and relatively ugly compared to other options. They rarely cool more than the room they are installed. However, if you are renting, you can't install any other air conditioning systems. Luckily, window air conditioning units have become more and more efficient and effective, so it's not a bad option at all.

Traditionally, those were your only two options. However, there now exists a third option that sits comfortably in the middle, both in air conditioner effectiveness and air conditioner prices. A mini split air conditioner is a wall unit that is connected, without ducts, but rather thinner plastic tubes to an outdoor unit, like central air. This is cheaper and easier to install than central air, but only offers cool air in one or two rooms. However, they are whisper quiet and much less obtrusive than window box units.

The three options for your cooling systems are central air conditioning, mini split air conditioners, and window box air conditioner units. Whatever your choice is, there are good air conditioners and good air conditioner prices for you. Once you figure out what you need, you'll find the right system for you and keep cool all summer long.

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