Are you against immigration? The devil is in the details

Are you against immigration? The devil is in the details ...

Just a few years ago, demonstrators lined the streets all over America, protesting Americans against immigration from Mexico.

President George W. Bush argued that steps would be taken to halt illegal immigration through our southern border. Our Congress subsequently approved allocation of some hundreds of millions of dollars to construct a wall across hundreds of miles of the states bordering Mexico and to increase border patrols.

At the height of the media focus on the illegal immigration issue, two border patrol officers attempted to stop a Mexican citizen, allegedly a drug dealer, from entering the United States through Texas. The would-be immigrant, intent on getting his goods through to the U.S., was alleged by the two border patrol agents to have fired a shot, first, which they returned, resulting in his death. This incident received wide attention in the media, with people becoming polarized on both sides of the incident. The two border patrol agents were tried for murder and convicted. This trial created a media frenzy, replete with reports from both camps, those against immigration issues of this sort and those who claimed this was only further evidence of police brutality.

The illegal immigration issue was again in the news, following the Katrina disaster. The reconstruction efforts in New Orleans and surrounding areas was characterized by the almost exclusive hiring of illegal Mexican citizens to perform the labor. These contractors were eager to make a good profit by hiring cheap labor, in violation of American labor laws. While American citizens, desperate for work, were turned away, in favor of non-citizens who would work for less than the legal Federal minimum wage, the wave of American citizens against immigration grew exponentially.

The majority of American people were outraged. The Federal agencies who were supposed to be combatting illegal immigrants seemed to be turning a blind eye to the cheap labor, employed by the large American contractors, at the expense of down and out Americans, more than willing to work these jobs.

Behind the scenes, without the knowledge or approval of Congress, our President had worked out a deal with Canada and Mexico to form what we now know as the 'North American Treaty', a plan which will merge Canada, the United States and Mexico, to create a 'borderless' entity quite similar to the European Union, erasing borders and creating a morphed constitution. This treaty effectively negated our constitution and will go into effect in the coming year.

It no longer matters if you are against immigration. The merging of sovereign countries is in the works. Laws are being rewritten as we speak. The planned North American Union includes a change in our currency. The American and Canadian dollars are to be integrated with the Mexican peso. The bankers are happy to see this consolidation. The argument against immigration has become a moot point.

The new currency, the 'Amero', follows the pattern of the Euro, now firmly ensconced in the world market. It's interesting to note that, following the initiation of the Euro, the European markets were flying high, out pacing the dollar. However, some years into the European Union, Europe's economy is also now in trouble.

Europeans have now adopted strict regulations on immigration policies, in an attempt to stabilize their economies, using protectionist strategies in order to provide employment to their citizens, but to no avail. Today, a global economic collapse is in the offing.

Perhaps the people who are against immigrant programs which only serve to exploit immigrant labor, are not far off the mark. All of the nations are being swallowed up in this so called New World Order.

What will be the result of the American dollar being replaced with a continental currency? Is this plan a precursor to global dominance of labor, without restriction? Are we all to be enslaved, with our Constitution gutted?

People who are against immigration should think long and hard about the details. What are we really fighting? Consider that a very small group of people are running the world. We, the people, are the ultimate victims.

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