What can Aesthetic Surgery can do for you?

Facial lifts, contouring, lipoplasty, liposuction, augmentation; these are just some of the terms used to describe the different medical procedures undertaken to correct and restore the bodys form and function. Aesthetic surgery can either be cosmetic or reconstructive. Among the most common plastic surgery techniques is skin grafting. With careful planning and appropriate choice of wound closure, good results can be obtained in this area.

Face lifts is another aesthetic surgery technique that helps to provide rejuvenation of the face. A facelift removes excess and sagging skin and soft tissue on the face and is used to physiologically reverse aging. A forehead lift is then undertaken to improve furrowed foreheads and drooping eyebrows. Another aesthetic surgery technique is facial contour. This technique involves the augmentation of the facial profile to reduce over prominent areas through facial contour surgery. The procedure involves the filling of certain areas with bio compatible implants or with ones own tissue.

Another aesthetic surgery is chin augmentation. This procedure helps to improve a weak and a receding chin. The results are enhanced rhinoplasty or nose reshaping. An oversize nose is usually the optical illusion of an underdeveloped chin. As a result, cheek augmentation helps to improve a flat upper face prominence and also the overall facial silhouette. To have an aesthetically pleasing profile, a balanced nose proportion of the entire face is necessary and aesthetic facial surgery procedures like chin augmentation make this possible.

Liposuction is another technique that involves the removal of fat by inconspicuously making tiny incisions on the body using a negative pressure suction machine. Large amounts of saline are first injected before the suctioning to provide a pain-free and safer procedure. After the procedure, there is usually a tightening of the skin. To prevent this, a further procedure called ultrasonic liposuction is used to melt fat before the actual liposuction surgery. This helps to further tighten the loose skin. The goal of liposuction is to re-contour the body shape or certain body areas like the abdominal areas, thighs, buttocks, upper arms and flanks.

To help the patients get ready for the changes, especially with facial aesthetic surgery, computer imaging is used to show patients what the postoperative results will be. This allows them to be psychologically prepared. Plastic surgery is an art and it is therefore essential to have an experienced plastic surgeon shape the contours of your body. If well done, aesthetic surgery can improve your self esteem and give you a measure of confidence you never had before.

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