Earning Your Masters of Education

Obtaining a masters of education may be the best investment of time, energy and money a teacher can make. Most school districts pay a higher salary scale to teachers with a masters degree. Some school districts even require all teachers to have a masters degree. And if youre interested in pursuing a PhD, a masters of education is an essential prerequisite.

So, where do you start? How do you know which masters of education program is the right one for you? The first step is to ask yourself why you want this degree. Is it simply to get to the next step on your districts salary schedule? Theres nothing wrong with that! But if thats the case, then it wont matter which program you enroll in. Youre looking for convenience and simplicity, not to mention affordability. The best option in that case may be to earn your masters of education online. There are literally thousands of accredited online universities through which you can earn a legitimate degree, and qualify for the corresponding pay raise. Many fine universities also offer online courses. Find a masters of education program which you can complete on your own time. After all, who has time to teach and attend classes and complete mountains of homework? Find a program which suits your schedule and wont break the bank.

On the other hand, if youre thinking ahead toward a PhD or employment outside the public school system, you may need to be more selective in choosing a masters of education course. In that case, youll have to consider which universities offer programs suited to your specific interests and needs. For example, you might be interested in urban education, literacy curricula, special education, or arts in education. Different universities have different specialties, and not all masters of education programs are identical. Do your research.

Lastly, when choosing where to get your masters of education, you must consider your personal priorities. Will you keep working while earning your degree? Then youll probably want the option of stretching out your coursework over several years, instead of cramming all your credits into one or two years of study. There just isnt time to complete several courses while still working full time. Another question youll need to answer is: are you willing to relocate? How important is location?

Also, you must consider the issue of tuition. Getting your masters of education doesnt have to be expensive, but at the most elite private schools it will cost $50,000 or more. Thats a tremendous load of student debt for someone on a school teachers salary to pay off. Of course, there is always assistance. Grants and scholarships are available for those willing to look for them. And if youre planning to work, or if youre already working, as a public school teacher, you may qualify for loan forgiveness from the federal government.

All-in-all, your masters of education options are many. Find the method thats right for you, then go for it.

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