Eating A Low Glycemic Diet

As of late, I have been doing a large amount of research into various diets, to investigate their health connotations as well as effectiveness. One diet that is receiving a large amount of press is the "low glycemic diet," but is it truly a workable way to lose weight? I spent some time researching the essential principles of the diet and the various commercial enterprises that use it as a basis, and Im here to share my findings with you.

The scientific basis for these diets is fairly solid essentially, a low glycemic diet monitors the rise in blood sugar levels from a 50 gram portion of a carbohydrate vs. a similar portion of a control substance, such as white bread or pure glucose. Foods are given a reference score on a scale from 1 to 100, with foods coming out south of 55 classified as "low glycemic." The theory is that these foods trigger a slower spike in blood sugar after eating, which may spur the bodys metabolic response to demand more food. Slower glycemic release creates a longer feeling of fullness. However, many of these low glycemic diet foods are also higher in fiber and other nutrients than foods higher on the index, which may also contribute to their effectiveness in weight loss.

The low glycemic diet principles are used as the baseline for a number of commercial diets, including the popular South Beach Diet, The Zone, Sugar Busters and many more. These diets try to take the gruntwork out of the carbohydrate monitoring by providing the dieter with pre-prepared foods that have a low glycemic index. These foods, often consumed in concert with another supplement, are for the most part vastly overpriced and less healthy than consuming fresh foods made with the same ingredients, so I would encourage anyone interested in pursuing a low glycemic diet to do the legwork themselves, both for their wallet and their stomach.

So is a low glycemic diet worth pursuing for your weight loss goals? In most cases, eating low glycemic carbohydrates is a good idea, but its not a cure-all for dropping pounds. Most nutritionists will recommend that, in addition to those foods, dieters should consume a healthy, reasonably-sized portion of lean protein and healthy fats to get the complete amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs to function. And, of course, regular exercise is mandated to burn off pounds that have already accreted as fat. But theres nothing unscientific or outright damaging in a low glycemic diet, so I can confidently say that it is a trustworthy element to any weight loss program.

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