Looking for acrylic frames

Acrylic frames are a smart investment for most folks because of their price and durability. Cheaper and less easily damaged than wood, they come in all shapes and sizes, and can usually be had for less than their natural counterparts. You can also find acrylic frames that are designed to look exactly like wooden frames, so if you're going for the natural look you'll be in good shape.

Of course, most acrylic frames are of the purely translucent variety. They're designed to hold a single picture with no actual "framing", making them them more stands than frames. These can be found all over the internet, from EBay to Overstock.com to literally hundreds of retailers, large and small, that can provide what you're looking for. Many will have the ability to provide custom shapes and sizes if that's what you need. Got a standard size picture that you want to display? You'll be good to go within seconds. Need a stand for something larger? There are acrylic frames that can work for you there, too.

I personally have nearly all our pictures in acrylic frames in the house. Having two cats that like to knock things over has made it almost a necessity to make as much of the house shatter-proof. They knock it down and it goes boom, but I can just put it back up on the shelf and not have to worry about cleaning up shattered glass or splintered wood. Learned that lesson early - our older cat is a real climber who simply adores knocking stuff off of shelves. It's some weird compulsion that I'm sure other cat owners can relate to.

Pricing on acrylic frames is tough to beat. You can get an eight-and-a-half by eleven inch frame for six bucks if you do a bit of digging. Smaller frames will obviously be cheaper. And the best way, as always, is to buy in bulk. You can probably find big box retailers like Costco or Sam's Club that will sell acrylic frames for as cheap as a dollar a piece as long as you're willing to buy about fifty of them. It's not a bad investment, really.

If you're looking for a little higher class, you can check out top-end retailers like Crate and Barrel, which has their own line of acrylic frames that most consider to be stylish and acceptable in just about any decorative motif. Or you can aim even higher - Williams Sonoma has acrylic frames, too. Obiously you'll be paying more at these places - significantly more at Williams Sonoma - but if the style is what you want for your decorating, then go for it. It's not written anywhere that all plastic is gaudy.

Well, actually it probably is, but I don't necessarily think you should trust people who make broad generalizations, since all broad generalizations are false.

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