Shop Safely with a Virtual Credit Card

I love shopping, and am thoroughly grateful for the seemingly unlimited purchasing opportunities that the Internet gives me. Not only can I buy any book or DVD I want from mega U.S.-based websites like, but I can also shop internationally without even leaving my chair. This means I can purchase designer handbags and leather shoes direct from Italy or healthy green tea from Japan -- whatever my heart desires. This is truly amazing! And with a virtual credit card at my disposal, I don't even have to worry about unauthorized charges or identity theft anymore.

When I tell my friends how much I shop online, the first thing they always ask me is whether or not I'm worried about someone intercepting my account numbers during the transaction. This is a legitimate concern that prevents lots of people from buying and enjoying great products that they would love to have. Sure, it's not likely that you'll ever run into a problem shopping with Amazon. But what about a smaller retailer with a less secure site? Or an international retailer whose security policies might not be clearly spelled out? This is when a virtual credit card can really come in handy.

So what is a virtual credit card and how can you get one? Simply put, a virtual credit card is a small program that you download and install to your computer. Whenever you shop online, instead of entering your real account number, you fire up the special program instead. The program will then generate a 16-digit number that you can use for the purchase you're about to make. You can input your own expiration date and even a maximum purchase amount, thereby ensuring that if would-be thieves do somehow snag the number, they won't be able to do anything with it. This new virtual credit card number is tied to your regular account, so you'll be billed as usual and there's no extra paperwork or anything like that for you to keep track of.

I have been using a virtual credit card for many years now, and I have never had a problem with it. I love the convenience and the peace of mind that comes with knowing that all of my transactions include this extra layer of protection. Best of all, this is a completely free service offered by the bank that issued my Visa cards, so I don't even have to pay any additional fees.

If you're concerned about what might happen to your personal data when you engage in online shopping transactions, then I recommend looking into a virtual credit card from your bank. The service is widely available these days, so getting started should be easy enough. This is definitely a must-have for frequent shoppers!

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