Is a Vinegar Diet a Scam?

If you're like me, you are always looking to drop a couple of pounds. I have a balanced diet and I exercise regularly, but it is a constant battle, and I could always lose a few. So I'm always on the look out for a new diet plan to help give me a little boost. I rule out anything that isn't organic or natural so you can imagine that doesn't give me a lot of options. But one thing I have heard about is an apple cider vinegar diet. Just the words "vinegar diet" made my stomach crawl a little bit. How did an apple cider vinegar diet work? I wanted to know.

What is an apple cider vinegar diet anyway? Any vinegar diet is based on the notion that the acidic vinegar helps your body break down the fats that you ingest before your body can store them. If you drink a couple of tablespoons of vinegar with a meal, the fat never sticks to you. Sounds a little kooky, right? It's actually been around for a long time. As far back as the 1820's doctors were recommending a vinegar diet to help with digestion. The apple cider vinegar diet kicks it up a notch as well. Apple cider contains fruit pectin, which is a different kind of enzyme. Supposedly, it helps the vinegar break down the fat even better.

The main problem with starting an apple cider vinegar diet is the taste. Apple cider vinegar is nasty. Most people mix it in with apple juice and honey. Some people claim that after they've been on an apple cider vinegar diet for some time, they get used to the taste. I don't know, I guess I couldn't stick to my apple cider vinegar diet long enough to know. It really is gross.

But does an apple cider vinegar diet work? Some people swear by it. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have tackled the question of the apple cider vinegar diet and its effectiveness. Luckily, it's pretty harmless to try it. Apple cider vinegar is cheap (at least as compared to a lot of other weight loss products) and available in your local supermarket. There are no side effects to the apple cider vinegar diet if done properly, but the acid in the vinegar can ulcers, and deterioration of the stomach lining if taken too much. So is an apple cider vinegar diet worth it? I think so, but it should only be as a supplement. No fad diet can replace eating sensibly and regular exercise.

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