What every parent needs to know about vehicle safety and

What every parent needs to know about vehicle safety and kids!

Every year, hundreds of children are injured, or, tragically, killed, in vehicles. A large proportion of such incidents occur when the vehicle is not even in motion! Here we have some vehicle safety tips to help you protect your kids and avoid preventable injuries and deaths.

1.Always carry an extra set of car keys on your person. If you get out of your car and lock yourself out, with a baby in the back seat on a hot summer day, your baby is now in imminent danger. Inside car temperatures can become deadly in minutes.

2.Never leave your kids alone in your vehicle, even for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, kids have been kidnapped right from their own car. Kids have been taken, along with the car, by car thieves, sometimes with dire consequences. Kids can also suffer heat stroke or hyperthermia within minutes of being confined in a hot car. You must also realize that kids may not stay put, wandering away to find you. Take this vehicle safety tip seriously!

3.Make it your habit to always walk around your vehicle before getting in, to check for kids who may be in front of, or in back of the vehicle. Too many accidents have occurred, simply due to a lack of practicing this vehicle safety tip every single time you get in the car. Teaching your kids to do this too, will make them better future drivers.

4.If your vehicle has power windows or a power sunroof, be sure that you lock the controls of all windows a kid can reach. Kids love to play with the car gadgetry. The sad fact is that children have been strangled playing with power windows.

5.Whenever and wherever you park your vehicle, be it in the garage, in the driveway, or at the grocery, always put your safety brake on, just as you would when parking on a hill. This vehicle safety tip helps prevent a child from accidentally putting the car in neutral gear and in to motion.

6.Never leave the trunk of your vehicle unlocked. Make it your habit to lock and unlock the trunk each time you use it. Children have suffocated playing hide-and-seek inside a car trunk that was left open. Once inside, they are unable to escape.

7.While the use of cell phones is now forbidden by law in most states, many people continue to ignore this mandated vehicle safety tip. It's been proven that talking on cell phones, as well as texting, has caused many an accident due to a distracted driver. Set a good example for your kids by not using your cell while driving, even if your state still allows using them while driving.

8.When you get in the car, buckle up and make sure your kids have done the same before you ever leave the driveway. If you've got kids using car seats, have the car seat installation inspected by a certified car seat installer.

9.Children, particularly teens, are fascinated by cars and the concept of driving. Kids, wanting to show off their 'driving skills' to their friends, have been killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, right in their own garage. Warn your kids of this danger, keep your car doors locked and keys unavailable.

Posting these vehicle safety tips on the frig or family bulletin board might well save a life. Pass it around and be safe!

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