What is Anxiety and Do You Have It?

If you are feeling tired and worn out from an overwhelming amount of stress - join the club! But seriously, most people don't know what is anxiety and what is day to day stress and tension. What is anxiety? It is a psychological condition that can limit the functioning of many people around the world. What is anxiety? It is a serious medical condition that can affect anyone and can be brought on by a number of factors.

What is anxiety and what causes it? No one is quite sure where anxiety comes from. Doctors and scientists agree that it could be any of the following three symptoms. Some say that they know what is anxiety and that it is caused genetic factors. In other words, it is a condition that can be passed down in someone's genetic make-up. Most people agree though that it simply is a pre-disposition to anxiety and not a guarantee. Others say that it is simply due to a chemical imbalance in the brain that disallows proper neurological functioning. Others simply say that what is anxiety is just a severe reaction to environmental factors such as stress and diet.

What is anxiety disorder and what does it look like? How do you know if you have anxiety? You might have some of these symptoms: an irrational fear or worry about everyday affairs, panic attacks characterized by shortness or difficulty of breath, increased heart rate, dizziness, and confusion. Some people take their anxiety and funnel it into their bodies which leads to muscle tension and ache. Others report feelings of nausea and stomachaches. What is anxiety disorder to some isn't exactly the same as what is anxiety to someone else.

How do you help cure your anxiety? One of the best treatments might be to remove your specific anxiety triggers. What is anxiety trigger? An anxiety trigger is usually the set of circumstances or conditions that bring on your feelings of dread, worry or panic. Perhaps your financial situation brings on anxiety? Consider hiring a financial adviser. This way, the cause of your anxiety is addressed. This won't work for everyone and some more severe cases might need additional therapy or medical attention.

What is anxiety but a serious condition that no one completely understands. No one is quite sure where it comes from and what the single best treatment for it. Hopefully, with the additional attention that anxiety disorders have been given recently, the question of what is anxiety will go unanswered - because it no longer is a problem for anyone!

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