What is Bluetooth?

If you're like me, you've heard the question as to what is Bluetooth a lot over the last couple of years. Luckily the question "what is Bluetooth" is fairly easy to answer. Bluetooth is the answer to the jumble of cords and cables that plague the modern workplace. Cables to connect computers to servers, printers to servers, computers to mice and keyboards and so on and so on.

So what is Bluetooth? A technology that seeks to replace all of those obnoxious cables. Bluetooth is a cable replacement technology in the form of a small radio chip. The information that once was transferred between devices by cable is now being transmitted by radio frequencies for the exact same performance, just without cables.

But what is Bluetooth and what isn't? After all, wireless networking is everywhere. What is the difference between Bluetooth and wireless technology? They essentially are the same in principle. They are both designed to link up different devices without wires or cables. However, they are different in their intended usage to a specific degree. Essentially, what is Bluetooth is a cable replacement technology and wireless fidelity or wi-fi technology is intended for to provide wireless Internet and networking access. In other words, Bluetooth is intended to keep your computer and your keyboard functioning without a cable, whereas a wireless network router is intended to replace an Ethernet cable connection.

What is Bluetooth exactly? A small radio chip implanted into the device can allow for anything to be upgraded by Bluetooth technology. A mobile device such as a Blackberry can be synced up with a computer to allow files to be transferred from one to another, meaning that e-mails sent to your work computer can be accessed through the wireless connection with your Bluetooth-enabled Blackberrry.

What is Bluetooth's future? Well, Bluetooth is a great solution for the overwhelming cables that plague any workstations. However, as more and more devices are wi-fi capable, it might be that Bluetooth will be used only in smaller computer accessories, such as keyboards and mice, and with some phones, where an ear piece can connect through Bluetooth to the phone proper on your belt or in your pocket. Bluetooth technology is point to point - where a single device, such as a printer, is connected to another single device, such as a laptop. However, with wireless networks, devices have multiple point access, meaning many laptops could access and be linked to a single printer. This is the main advantage of wireless networking over Bluetooth technology. What is Bluetooth? The answer might soon be one word: extinct.

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