White Collar Crimes

Generally when we think of criminal activity, we picture men in ski masks robbing a bank, or an aggressive assailant with a knife on a dark street corner. These are images that have been instilled into our brains. And today's media isn't likely to let us forget them any time soon. However, on the other end of the spectrum there are other types of crimes and criminal offenders. Although the cliche criminals do exist, there are plenty of everyday people committing criminal acts also. Many people like to refer to these acts as white collar crimes. They may not involve a dark ally or a sharp hunting knife, but they're felony offenses just the same. Who knows; maybe you've even been the victim of one.

Martha Stewart comes to mind! This wealthy woman is the perfect example of someone who has committed white collar crimes. Or at least one criminal offense that we know of. If you remember, she accepted insider information regarding the stock market. This basically means she received a heads-up. She then sold her shares of a particular stock, and weaseled out of losing any dough. Not exactly the way this game is supposed to be played. Soon after she was brought up on charges and arrested. But this is merely one example of a white collar crime. There are plenty of others going on in this day and age. Sadly common access to computers and the Internet are making it easier for white collar criminals to strike. Get a load of the identity theft statistics now days. It's utterly horrible. Some unsavory individuals are using cyberspace and other means to snatch the personal information of strangers and proceed to charge up their bank account and/or credit cards. They even begin cell phone plans in their name. We need to crack down hard on white collar crimes and those who commit them.

There are ways to protect yourself from white collar criminals. One way is by never passing out your personal information. Get credit cards that offer Internet safety features. This way you'll use a separate account number when online. This truly helps prevent others from taking advantage of your card. And finally, never reveal your personal information in emails. These can be viewed by third parties.

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