Your Search Engine Listing

Whether you are building a website for commerce or for personal reasons, you want to know that people are going to find your site. Though some may stumble upon it in a different way, most will find you through the many search engines out there. In order to be found this way, you have to think about your search engine listing and how it will either draw people to your site, or make them skip over you to go to the next one on the list. It does not have to be difficult, but it will require some thinking on your part.

Your search engine listing will greatly depend on what you have to offer. You can not have a site about televisions that will be popular if no one can find it. This often happens when the owner of the website does not have enough text on the page. Text is what the search engines read to decided where you belong and when you are going to come up in a search. You have to have related text on your site to what you are selling. You can write about bunnies to sell televisions, even if you really love bunnies. It just does not work. Write about what you are selling or promoting.

If you don't know anything about keywords, now is the time to learn. These will have a huge impact on your search engine listing. Without using the words that people are searching, no one is going to find you. Keywords are picked out of your text by the search engines when they index them, thus deciding what they think your site is all about. That means if you have the keyword 'television set' in there often enough, the search decides your site is about televisions. Keyword stuffing will not help your site, but not having any can really hurt you.

While your content will have impact on your search engine rating, your meta tag will have an even bigger effect. If you do not have one of these on your website, you have to get one. There are tools out there that you can find to help you do this. The keywords and the description you put in your meta tag will be important to not only help rank your site, but it also shows up in the search results. The description will be listed with the address to your site. This is why you have to make it a good one.

If you can not seem to find your website when you search for it on your own, you probably have some issues with any of the above things. You can not expect that your website will be on the front page of the search results, though that is something to shoot for, but it should be found. If you can not find it anywhere, you need someone to help you discover what is wrong with your website that is holding you back. There are people out there that can help, as well as many web tools you can employ to help you better your search engine listing.

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